For Me, Not For Thee

Elite schools for their kids. Empty promises for ours.

While Siegrist has personally reaped the benefits of private education, he continues to deny the same opportunities to Iowa families. In fact, he’s the only member of GOP leadership to oppose such bills. In an interview with KMA Land Radio, Siegrist openly admitted, “Both of my children graduated from St. Albert in Council Bluffs,” yet in the same breath, he opposed expanding access to private schools for working-class families, stating, “I don’t think going to an educational savings account system is probably the best way to go.”

The hypocrisy is glaring: Siegrist supports private education for his own family but works to block other families from accessing the same choice.

This website shines a spotlight on politicians whose personal educational choices for themselves and their families conflict with their opposition to charter school and other education choice policies, raising questions about their commitment to equitable education for all. 

It serves as a resource for citizens to understand the true priorities of their representatives. Contact us through the form below if you have any tips on other hypocritical politicians that we should highlight.

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Help us expose politicians and insiders who oppose school choice but benefit from it themselves. Send tips about any school choice opponents who attended or send their kids to private, innovation, or charter schools on the form below. As a matter of policy, we will not publish any minors’ names.

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