For Me, Not For Thee

Elite schools for their kids. Empty promises for ours.

He refused to send his kids to Indianapolis Public Schools:

  • He sent his kids – son Tim and daughters Kathleen and Jennifer – to St. Thomas Aquinas for K-8 and Brebeuf Jesuit High School, providing them an elite private education.
  • His grandchildren are also going to these elite private schools

Despite the advantages these elite schools provided to his children and even now his own grandchildren, Delaney actively opposes working families from the same opportunities.

For years, Ed Delaney has fought against charter schools, blocking laws that would give low-income families a shot at better education, all while his own children benefited from elite private schools.

From opposing legislation that would allow public charter schools to utilize unused public school buildings to attacking programs designed to help working-class families access the same private schools his own family attends, Delaney is the epitome of a politician who enjoys privileges he works to deny others.

This website shines a spotlight on politicians whose personal educational choices for themselves and their families conflict with their opposition to charter school and other education choice policies, raising questions about their commitment to equitable education for all. 

It serves as a resource for citizens to understand the true priorities of their representatives. Contact us through the form below if you have any tips on other hypocritical politicians that we should highlight.

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Help us expose politicians and insiders who oppose school choice but benefit from it themselves. Send tips about any school choice opponents who attended or send their kids to private, innovation, or charter schools on the form below. As a matter of policy, we will not publish any minors’ names.

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